Farming Resilience Funding

October 15, 2024

We have an exciting new opportunity for Farmers to receive up to £1500 of funding to go towards vet visits without having to complete any admin or pay any of the cost.


What is it?

Defra’s Farming Resilience Fund was created to provide business support to farmers in the first few years of adapting to agricultural transition. Farms that have received direct payments since October 2022, can access this support, free of charge. It is designed to help support the right business choices for the future to ensure the farm business thrives without Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). This funding is aiming to bridge the gap between the SFP going and the full launch of the Animal Health and Welfare Review.


Is my farm eligible?

All you need to do is supply us with your SBI number and farm details (name, address, etc.) to check your eligibility and we will do all the admin work from there. The same farm can receive funding from both the Resilience Fund and the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway.


What does it include?

Each farm can receive up to £1500 per farm for up to four visits (£385/visit) and all services are designed to help optimise health and productivity. Services could (but are not limited to) include:


If you are interested in this opportunity, please let us know your SBI number on 01373 451115 and we will submit an eligibility check.

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