Body Condition Scoring (BCS) in Beef Cattle

October 10, 2023

Body condition scores are a vital part of successful fertility management on beef units. These techniques are ways of managing body condition score changes throughout the year if required:

  • House later if grass growth and quality has been good in the summer and a decrease in BCS is required
  • Wean calves later if a decrease in BCS is required
  • Increase straw in the ration, costs allowing, to decrease ME of ration and prevent excessive BCS gain during winter housing
  • Manage thin cows and heifers as a single group requiring extra energy to allow accurately targeted feeding

During winter housing feeding 1kg of barley/day will equate to a gain in BCS of approximately ½ unit body condition score

During summer wean calves earlier if thin or a heifer; weaning 1 month earlier will equate to a gain in BCS of ¼ unit if pasture quality is good.

If you would like to know more about Body Condition Scoring please contact our farm team.


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