Turnout worming advice

April 13, 2023

Read our turnout worming advice on:


  • Test before you treat. Monitor both liver and rumen fluke by faecal egg counting (FECs) before turnout for second season heifers and treat as required. Also, test all calves around 4-6 weeks post turnout.
  • Where possible, turn out first grazing season calves such as replacement heifers onto low-risk pastures.
  • Where there is a risk of lungworm infection, based on the farm history or buying-in policy, consider vaccinating youngstock before turnout. For older stock, give us a call to complete a risk assessment with a vet.


  • Test before you treat. Monitor both liver and rumen fluke by FECs before turnout for second season heifers and treat as required.
  • Where possible, turn out first grazing season cattle such as dairy x beef calves and autumn-born weaned suckled calves on to low-risk pasture.
  • Spring-born suckler calves that are still suckling are not likely to need any treatment for worms. Any larvae on the pasture will be consumed by their mothers who will be mostly immune.
  • Where there is a risk of lungworm infection, based on the farm history or buying-in policy, consider vaccinating youngstock before turnout. For older stock, give us a call to do a risk assessment with a vet.

Sheep 2023 planning:

  • Liver Fluke: continues to be unpredictable across regions, farms and even individual fields. Please give us a call to discuss different testing options available to you.
  • Worms will have enjoyed the previous mild Autumn weather and continue to be a threat to lambs grazing contaminated pastures. Continue to use FECs as appropriate.
  • Sheep Scab: Continue to test and treat accordingly by either arranging a skin scrape or blood ELISA test through us.
  • Lungworm: Still remains a rare problem is sheep. If you are concerned about coughing sheep, please give us a call.


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