Regular, timely farm news & advice

Read on for a host of farm animal healthcare advice and industry news that’s free and updated monthly. In the articles below you’ll find seasonal and local tips, information on how to keep your animals healthy and performing well, as well as information about other aspects of farming. If you’d like us to email you whenever we update our farm news and advice, then simply….

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Seasonal newsletters from Wyvern Farm Vets

You can also request the latest copies of our newsletter, which come out every Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter. To receive these by email please phone the practice on 01373 451115 and let us know.

Housed cattle health – five things to check

November 13th, 2023

Having the cows in for winter is the perfect opportunity to give your cattle a once over, and we recommend doing this before the winter season kicks in properly.

Getting the farm ready for winter

November 8th, 2023

To help ensure you’re ready, the farm vets at Wyvern Farm Vets have produced a few simple tips to help you stave off the worst effects of winter.

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) in Beef Cattle

October 10th, 2023

Body condition scores are a vital part of successful fertility management on beef units. Read more here.

Turnout worming advice

April 13th, 2023

Read our turnout worming advice.

Good post-operative care on the farm

June 13th, 2022

Following a recent seminar on farm animal surgery, our head vet gives us some key factors to achieve a speedy recovery.

Six-monthly TB testing

June 13th, 2021

Please be aware that APHA are beginning to phase in six-monthly TB testing for herds in High Risk Areas of England from July 2021.

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